domingo, 1 de enero de 2023

Prog Drum Transcriptions Store


PDT's Songs Sheets
Band/Artist Song Album/Year Genre Drummer Price
Allan Holdsworth Metal Fatigue [Metal Fatigue, 1985] Prog Rock (Jazz Fus) Chad Wackerman 0 USD
Camel Freefall [Mirage, 1974] Prog Rock (Hard Rock) Andy Ward 6 USD
Camel Lunar Sea [Moonmadness, 1976] Prog Rock (Symph) Andy Ward 6 USD
Camel Skylines [Rain Dances, 1977] Prog Rock (Jazz Fus) Andy Ward 0 USD
Camel The Sleeper [Breathless, 1978] Prog Rock (Jazz Fus) Andy Ward 6 USD
The Dave Brubeck Q. Take Five (Full) [Time Out, 1959] Jazz (Cool) Joe Morello 5 USD
Dream Theater The Dance of Eternity [Metropolis Pt. II, 1999] Prog Metal (Symph) Mike Portnoy 7 USD
Frank Zappa & The Mothers Uncle Meat (Title Theme) [Uncle Meat, 1969] Prog Rock Art Tripp 0 USD
Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [Selling England By The Pound, 1973] Prog Rock (Symph) Phil Collins 6 USD
Genesis The Cinema Show / Aisle Of Plenty [Selling England By The Pound, 1973] Prog Rock (Symph) Phil Collins 7 USD
Genesis Back In N.Y.C. [The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, 1974] Prog Rock (Symph) Phil Collins 5 USD
Genesis Dance On A Volcano [A Trick Of The Tail, 1976] Prog Rock (Symph) Phil Collins 5 USD
Gong Expresso [Gazeuse!, 1976] Jazz Fusion Pierre Moerlen 5 USD
Los Jaivas Antigua America [Alturas De Macchu Picchu, 1981]  Prog Rock (Folk) Gabriel Parra 0 USD
Jethro Tull Cold Wind To Valhalla [Ministrel In The Gallery, 1975] Prog Rock (Folk) Barriemore Barlow 4 USD
King Crimson Sailor's Tale [Islands, 1971] Prog Rock (Jazz) Ian Wallace 4 USD
King Crimson Larks' Tongues in Aspic Pt II [Larks' Tongues in Aspic, 1973] Prog Rock (Avant) Bill Bruford 5 USD
King Crimson Discipline [Discipline, 1981] Prog Rock (New Wave) Bill Bruford 0 USD
King Crimson Three of a Perfect Pair [Three of a Perfect Pair, 1984] Prog Rock (New Wave) Bill Bruford 4 USD
Led Zeppelin Fool In the Rain [In Through The Out Door, 1979] Rock (Classic) John Bonham 0 USD
Leprous Illuminate [Malina, 2017] Prog Metal Baard Kolstad 5 USD
Mahavishnu Orchestra Can't Stand Your Funk [Visions Of The Emerald Beyond, 1975] Prog Funk Michael Walden 0 USD
Oscar J 7/8 Funk [ , 2016] Prog Funk Oscar Montañez 0 USD
Oscar J Sisyphus' Shuffle [ , 2022] Prog (Jazz) Oscar Montañez 0 USD
Pat Metheny Group Slip Away (Samba Arrg.) [Letter From Home, 1989] Jazz Fusion Oscar Montañez 4 USD
Porcupine Tree The Sound of Muzak [In Absentia, 2002] Prog Rock (New) Gavin Harrison 5 USD
Rayuela La Casa del Hombre [Rayuela, 1978] Prog Rock (Jazz) Guillermo Nojechowics 0 USD
Snarky Puppy I'm Not the One [Family Dinner Vol 1, 2013] Jazz (Smooth) Robert Searight 4 USD
Steely Dan Aja [Aja, 1977] Jazz (Smooth) Steve Gadd 6 USD
Steely Dan Home at Last [Aja, 1977] Jazz (Smooth) Bernard Purdie 4 USD
Sting Seven Days [Ten Summoner's Tales, 1993] Pop Rock (Jazz) Vinnie Colaiuta 0 USD
Tigran Hamasyan The Court Jester [Shadow Theater, 2013] Jazz (Avant) Nate Wood 6 USD
Tigran Hamasyan Entertain Me [Mockroot, 2015] Prog Metal (Jazz) Arthur Hnatek 0 USD
Tool Ænema [Ænima, 1996] Prog Metal Danny Carey 6 USD
Tool Schism [Lateralus, 2001] Prog Metal Danny Carey 0 USD
Tool Lateralus [Lateralus, 2001] Prog Metal Danny Carey 7 USD
Tool Triad [Lateralus, 2001] Prog Metal Danny Carey 5 USD
Tool Vicarious [10,000 Days, 2006] Prog Metal Danny Carey 6 USD
Tool Jambi [10,000 Days, 2006] Prog Metal Danny Carey 6 USD
Tool Pneuma [Fear Inoculum, 2019] Prog Metal Danny Carey 8 USD
Tool Invincible [Fear Inoculum, 2019] Prog Metal Danny Carey 8 USD

PDT's Album Sheet Books
Band/Artist Album/Year Genre Drummer Full Price
Set Option      
Camel [The Snow Goose, 1975] Prog Rock (Symph) Andy Ward 17 USD
Genesis [Foxtrot, 1972] Prog Rock (Symph) Phil Collins 24 USD
King Crimson [In the Court of the Crimson King, 1969] Prog Rock (Symph) Michael Giles 20 USD
Plini [Handmade Cities, 2016] Prog Metal Troy Wright 29 USD
Yes [The Yes Album, 1971] Prog Rock (Symph) Bill Bruford 21 USD
Yes [Fragile, 1971] Prog Rock (Symph) Bill Bruford 21 USD
Yes [Close To The Edge, 1972] Prog Rock (Symph) Bill Bruford 16 USD


Q&A Faq
Q: How do I order a sheet music?
A: Click the "Add to Cart" button (set option if is an album book), do the payment via Paypal, once I got the payment confirmation, I'll send you the sheet music files to your email.

Q: What do I get for buying a sheet music?
A: PDF, MP3, MIDI, MuseScore 2 file & New How To Read Notation Faq.

Q: Which things do / don't these sheets have?
A: MuseScore 2 HQ transcriptions sheets, accurate & clear Notation: Special Notation, Dynamics, Rehersal Letters, Multirests, Ornaments, Right-Handed Sticking order suggestion (where needed), Accents / Ghosts, Song Sections / Lyrics Guide, Slurs for Double Bass Kicks, Tempo mostly approximate. Download My MuseScore 2 Templates.

I don't use notes above Quarters (Half, Whole etc...); but do their Rests. Neither Repeat Bars / Endings nor D.C., Coda, Segno Symbols (...) Also Ties & Legatos aren't on my sheets. The use of more than one Parts (Voices) only where needed, e.g. Polyrhythms & Ostinatos. New Beam Grouping Theory Faq.

Q: Do you upload sheet's preview?
A: Yes, and full free sheets are also there, Check My Youtube Channel & Subscribe.

Q: General Information & Contact?
A: See Here

37 comentarios:

  1. Buenos dias ! As transcrições são ótimas , e agora procuro as trasncrições do Yes lead sheet , Close to The Edge - The Fish -Starship Trooper - Siberian Kahtru - South Side of The Sky - Yours is no Disgrace - I´ve seen All Good People - And You And I - Gracias pela atenção meu email - FACEBOOK.COM/Lauro Lellis. Tenho conta no Pay Pal. Um bom dia Oscar e parabens pelo otimo site abs !! yotube/laurolellis !

  2. Hola! he realizado la compra de Plini - Every Piece Matters. Estoy esperando la transcripción. Si la compra resulta exitosa, deseo hacer encargos de próximas canciones.

  3. I have purchased Yes' Close to the Edge, The Yes Album, and Fragile. The transcripts are excellent!! They come with sound files so I can play along too. This is very, very good work. Well done, and thank you.

  4. Hola, ya hice la compra por PayPal. Espero la transcripción.

  5. Great work and great attention to detail. It's a real bargain if you want to fully learn one of these solos.

  6. Excelente trabajo Oscar. Gracias por poner a disposición estos recursos. A estudiar!

  7. Just bought Tool - Pneuma Drum Transcription, waiting to get it...

    1. I've already sent the files to your hotmail account provided later, because your custom domain doesn't have DNS well configurated, so then files get blocked. Thats why "Important Before Buying" section should be read.

  8. Just bought Take Five Drum Transciption, waiting to get it

    1. Hi Lucas, I've already sent the files but because your custom domain doesn't have DNS well configurated the files get blocked as said on "Important Before Buying" section. Please provide a common email like gmail, hotmail etc...

    2. you can send files to

  9. Hola, ya hice la compra por PayPal. Espero la transcripción del álbum fragile

  10. Hola, hice la compra de "King Crimson - Three of a perfect pair" y "Yes - Siberian khatru", espero la transcripción

    1. Hola Francisco, ya te las mande, había un problema con Paypal pero ya se solucionó.

  11. Hi, I bought Lateralus on my gmail account and have yet to receive it.

  12. Hola Óscar, espero la transcripción de Pneuma de Tool, el pago ya está hecho. Un saludo y gracias

  13. Hi, I just purchased Asia using Pay Pal. How long does it take to get the transcription, please? Thank you and I loved the preview!

  14. Hola acabo de comprar Im not the One de Snarky puppy. si me lo puedes enviar. gracias.

  15. Can you do a deal for several books or transcripts?

    1. Hi my friend, sorry but currently I'm not doing requests.

  16. My email is

  17. Good morning from Australia. Just purchased Steely Dan's Home At Last however it hasn't come through. alternative email address is

  18. Ya completé el pago, en espera de la transcripcion de Pneuma

  19. Hi, I just purchased Vicarious using Pay Pal. please send me file!thanks!

  20. Hi I made a purchase one hour before, waiting for feedback thanks

  21. Hola, nice una compra y por accidente hice el Pago 2 veces, por favor podrias ayudarme dandome credito para segura comprando mas temas? Tambien por favor hasme saber por Que medio me envias Los files.
